Sunday, May 10, 2009

In Ghana

I'm sitting in an Internet cafe with around 20 other Canadians, all furiously typing blog posts and emails. We finished our pre-departure training last Monday and left Ontario on Wednesday morning. I'm not sure how to describe pre-dep, I think 'interesting' sums it up. It was kind of like a car crash, the vehicle completely destroyed and yet everyone somehow managed to exit the wreckage(to the shock and dismay of any pedestrians who witnessed the crash), or maybe it was like biting into an apple, expecting it to be slightly sour and instead receiving a mouthful of jalapeno. All I know is that it was an interesting experience.

We arrived in Rome sometime Thursday morning(8hrs from Toronto) and spent the morning at the airport(a couple of the more adventurous JF's went into Rome for an hour). Then it was another 8hr flight to Ghana via Nigeria (seems absurd to travel around the world in a metal box to meddle in the lives of others).

We stayed at a nice little gated hotel/motel/hostel in Accra for the night(arriving at 10pm, leaving at 6am).

At 6am we left for the bus station and took what was supposed to be a 13 hour bus station, with the bus breaking down around 3 hours from Tamale:

We have now spent a couple of days in Ghana, visiting the market yesterday and focusing today on preparing for our placements. Tomorrow morning I will be traveling to Kpandai and meeting with the District Planning Officer, with whom I will be working for the next 3.5 months.

I'll try to post some pictures and a few more words sometime soon, we are being kicked out of the cafe.


  1. Ahhh! So jealous!!! Is that the Kokolemle Guest House in the photo up there? It looks similar, but I think they were paving the road in front of it the day that I was leaving.

  2. Sorry I missed your call - really appreciate being able to read this blog. How are you finding the heat/humidity?

  3. excited to hear all about Kpandai - pretty sure I travelled through there at some point. anyway, just wanted to let you know that you rocked pre-dep. really, really rocked it. and i'm super excited for your time in ghana.

  4. Hey Ryan, I'm not sure what the name of that guest house was, we arrived pretty late at night and were gone before the sun had risen.

    Hey mom, the heat hasn't been as bad as I
    expected. It reminds me of soccer training, constant sweat and heat.

    Hey Shyam, thanks for the message, I had a great time at pre-dep and I appreciate the help your provided. It was really good to have you and Megan there, made things run a bit smoother.
